Thursday, June 19, 2008

I Enjoy

A little while ago, my friend Nicole suggested trying out this Mosiac Maker by answering questions and looking up a corresponding picture in Flickr. Since I finally have some time for blogging again, I thought I would give it a go.

1. What is your first name?
Patty- and apparently beef patties, raccoons, and these creepy "Patty" dolls are the most popular hits, which I was not a fan of. I am a fan of laughter, however, so I chose this one.

2. What is your favorite food?
Bread!- yes, with an exclamation point. Fewer things in life give me greater joy than mowing on a piece of chewy, delicious bread. I could go on and on about the wonder of this complex carbohydrate...but I won't.

3. What high school did you go to?
Milwaukie High School.

4. What is your favorite color?
Red- ever since I picked a red prom dress senior year of high school, I have been such a huge fan. It's so bold and fun :)

5. Who is your celebrity crush?
Christian Bale- this goes back to the days when he played Laurie in Little Women...anyone? Now that he's Batman, there's just no question.

6. Favorite drink?
"Bubble" water, as Alex (and now I) calls it- I used to think it was weird that he drinks mineral water instead of regular water or pop, but since returning from Germany, I can't get enough of the stuff! It's so much more refreshing than regular water and so much better for you than pop.

7. Dream vacation?
Australia- I will go someday, even if that means tranquilizing Alex so that he can survive the 18 hour flight!

8. Favorite dessert?
Chocolate chip cookies- this varies with mood, but it's the 'ol standby.

9. What do you want to be when you grow up?

10. What do you love most in life?
Being able to just relax- when the only thing I have to worry about is breathing.

11. One word to describe you.
Hopeful- call me optimistic or idealistic if you like (both of those words are accurate some of the time), but I really think that it boils down to this: no matter the circumstances, it is very difficult for me to completely give up. A little part of me is always holding out for the possibility that things will work out.

12. Your Flickr name.
I don't have one, but if I did, it would probably contain "Porta," my nickname from high school. It crops up in a lot of usernames I have for various accounts. When I looked that up in Flickr, a picture of the Porta Negra came up, which I saw when I was in Trier in December, so I thought it fit.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love this! The Helpful picture, at first seeing it, made me think of Mrs Doubtfire. Kind of fits actually, the Heimlich maneuver is involved. :)