Wednesday, July 23, 2008

I am so used to the day slipping away from me. Even when I didn't have the busiest days in the lab (hello, Blogger, Facebook, and NY Times Sunday Magazine!), it always seemed like the evenings were over before I knew it, between making dinner, taking the dog to the park or for a walk, and some sort of errand or other that could not wait for another day. In preparation for starting med school, moving to DC, and leaving my job, the days (and evenings) have been especially packed these last few weeks. Now that I have finished serving time at the lab (which I think is really the best way to describe that experience), I don't know quite what to do with myself! I have still been getting up at my normal time because I don't want to be out of the habit of it, I have made a to-do list for these two weeks, and each day I work out a kind of agenda so that I feel like there is some structure to the day, but it's day three and I am already feeling a little antsy!

Here is what I have done today (as though you care!):

just after 7: Got up and took care of Buttercup things (first bathroom break of the day, breakfast in her Kong, hanging out outside, etc.), made coffee, ate cereal
8:00: woke up the sleepy head
just after 9: packed his lunch and sent him off to work (isn't he lucky?!)
9:15-10:45 (seriously!): tried to figure out how to buy a student metro pass, only to discover that the $26/month unlimited bus and rail pass I had in mind is only for elementary and secondary students- unfair, especially since their parents are paying for it!
11-12:30: started watching Batman Begins (I couldn't help it!) and ate lunch (leftover pitas, yum!)
12:30-1:15: Buttercup woke up from her torpor, so we went for a walk- I made her work too!
1:15-2:20: finished Batman
2:30-3:00: checked email and looked up info on Ikea home delivery & credit card
what I will be doing: finishing up this blog, reviewing some biochem notes, and (hopefully) going for a run (I am still sore from my first foray into getting back in shape on Monday- in which I got caught in a deluge of rain too...which was actually quite nice)

I would so NOT survive as a stay at home mom or someone who works from home!

This is on the menu for today- delicious!

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